There is not enough mommy to go around. Stella is now 3 months old and I haven't found time for much of anything besides working, cleaning, cooking, helping the kids with their homework, and playing with the babies. Silas is watching Cars 2 while Stella is having tummy time. She's made a half circle so far on her play mat and she's talking to a lion rattle. Silas keeps putting his head on her butt while saying, "aaaww." I love them together. I'm so happy I got to have another one so Silas won't be alone. Christopher and Kelsey have an amazing bond and I hope Silas and Stella have the same. Siblings intrigue me, I suppose it's because I don't have any.
Silas has been playing copy cat with everyone around him so no swearing!!! One day he said, "my da go bye bye why car!" Another day he said, "why my da go bye bye ma?" Last week he jumped on my bed while Stella was kicking around and he scared her. She started crying and he asked me, "she o...k?" A few weeks ago I put his fuzzy fleece car pajamas on him, stood him in front of the mirror, and watched him pet the car on his tummy while saying, "I Q!!!!" (cute). He's SO cute!!! When I return home from work he runs at me full force screaming, "mamamamamamamamamamama!!!" That's probably one of the best feelings ever.
I started working when Stella was 7 weeks old. I kept praying for a job that I would want as a career and I think I've got it. I only work 2 days a week right now, but clientele is building up quickly, so I think I'll be working more soon. The money I make is good for only being there two days a week. I can at least cover my rent with it. I'm a stylist in a nursing home and I have never loved doing anything more. All the staff is super nice and the residents, even the crotchety ones, really like me. They like that I'm soft spoken, light handed, and quirky. I like feeling like I have a purpose at work other than to bring someone their food, drinks, and hear their stupid jokes that make me want to punch them in the chode.
Let's see, what else has been going on? Stella was dedicated on September 16, the ex was in court and evicted out of his mom's house a few weeks ago, now lives in Parma and comes around maybe once a week, Christopher is playing the flute in band, (don't laugh) I requested Kelsey to be tested through the board of education for a learning disability, (because I've thought she's had one since first grade but her teachers kept telling me she would outgrow it...what the heck ever that means) and I made some totally cool chore charts that are really helping my kids stay on track.
Baby's crying, gotta go.