Thursday, February 23, 2012

Rise and shine...

I don't want to go to work anymore. I'm sick of not getting paid. I'm wide awake at 430am when I have to be up at 6am. I've been up since 2am, having anxiety.

I don't normally do this but I feel bad for myself. Yes, pity party for 2...considering I'm carrying a small person. I keep trying to calm down and focus on something bigger but my anxiety is out of control and my heart hurts. I keep seeing texts in my head that I shouldn't have read and I'm just plain hurt. I have no one to help me and honestly, I haven't had anyone to help me in 4 years. Or has it been 5 now... I can't recall.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Do you think youre indispensable and that no one can touch you?

Because I think youre disposable and it's time you knew the truth.

Thats how I'm treated. I needed to double check on the last 13 days being total hogwash so I spilled my guts. Released my fears.

"I'll just go find someone else." Was that the part where I was supposed to beg and plead he take away my fears? I just replied with, "ok," so 8 more times he text me about how I dont deserve him, I'm worthless, there are a million girls out there who don't lie, (because admitting your fears is I'm a waste of time, and that he deserves better than me. All I had to say was, "old habits never die, apparently." Theres really not much else to say.

My work is closing in 3 weeks and I've become a high risk pregnancy. Neat~O!! I don't have anyone to help me financially, no savings, and if I have to go on bedrest... I don't know if there will be a fourth.

Maybe I shouldn't even think about that.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Dear Sub Chorionic Hemorrhage,

You're not taking my baby. He or she is currently kicking your ass and is 4 days ahead in development. I will continue to do everything I can on my end to help this baby. I'm not too sure how I'd pull off bedrest though...but please, leave us alone.
